By Ujiki.oO
On 2024-02-11
In 2024,, Problem, フリッカー, 問題
FLICKR.COM has a serious problem!
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On 2024-01-25
In internet provider, NURO, NURO 10Gs, optical cable, repeated mistakes, Slow WiFi, インターネットプロバイダー, 光ケーブル, 繰り返した過ち, 遅いWiFi
Where did I go wrong? After experiencing NURO10Gs for 3 years, why would you never choose NURO again?
On 2024-01-07
In 2024 folder, 2024フォルダー, first routine of the month, Mirroring, SQL backup, SQL backup without thinking, SQLバックアップ, ミラーリング, 月初のルーティン, 考えないSQLバックアップ
This is a memorandum of the first routine of the month related to MySQL backup.
On 2023-12-24
In 30分間の支払い, Contents certified mail, Credit Card, damage report, Electronic Cigarette, truck delivery cash on delivery, クレジットカード, トラック便着払い, バーチャルカード, 内容証明, 被害届, 電子タバコ
I just gave in to my desire and ordered it from my smartphone! Following the first product, monthly regular products were sent by truck, cash on delivery. I will widely publish the author’s method of cutting off his hands.
On 2023-12-03
In BACKUP DB, bash, CORE server, cygwin, GMO DigiRock, Inc., GMOデジロック株式会社, Linux, MariaDB, MSバッチファイル, MySQL,, 6.6, phpMyAdmin, WordPress, XAMPP, コアサーバー, データベースのバックアップ, 公開スクリプト
An improved version of database backup 6.6 is now available.
On 2023-11-20
In PS3, Useless App, 駄目アプリ
“Amazon Prime Video” is an app available on Google Play provided by, which is advertised on TV under the organization. Continues to ignore reports. Amazon Prime Video doesn’t have to implement functions that are common knowledge on other companies’ video viewing distribution sites.
On 2023-11-01
In Chrome, FireFox, Opera, サービス, スケジュールされたタスク, スタートアップ最適化, スタートアップ項目, バージョンアップ, ブラウザのスタートアップ, 自動化しない
When I start Windows, I don’t waste memory, I don’t start unnecessary processes, and I especially don’t automate browser updates!
On 2023-10-14
In cygwin, dos2unix, Dynamic DNS, fgrep, ipconfig, MSバッチファイル, nkf, sed, tail, ダイナミックDNS
I use multiple providers to connect to the Internet. This means that automatic (DHCP) for separate IP assignments will work. I use WiFi communication for each provider, but I have selected automatic (DHCP) for IP assignment. With IP assignments that change dynamically, a dedicated domain and dynamic DNS are required to publish WordPress within XAMPP’s LAN. Even when running XAMPP on a portable PC, the connected WiFi selects automatic IP assignment (DHCP), so it can only be solved by using a dedicated domain and dynamic DNS!
On 2023-09-25
In Useless App, 駄目アプリ
Parent organization: Audible, Inc., an company that advertises on television All you have to do is launch the app and press the play button, and you’ll be charged a monthly fee. If you cancel your Audible membership plan, you will no longer be able to play music immediately!
On 2023-09-02
In AI, Artificial intelligence, Beautiful Realistic Asians, BRA, BRAV5,, cygwin, CygWinに送る,, Google Colab, Google Colaboratory, Open-source software, PopBox, PopBox特化関数, SendTo, Stable Diffusion, Stable Diffusion Web UI, Webインターフェイス, Windows11, オープンソースソフトウェア, コマンドプロンプトに送る, 人工知能, 生成AI
Start “BRAV5” with image generation AI (Stable Diffusion) kicked off from Google free account, use SendTo – Send to command prompt / Send to CygWin, upload to, PopBox specialized function The content is to be used to completely mirror and distribute content on more than 10 blogs.
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By Ujiki.oO
On 2024-02-11
In 2024,, Problem, フリッカー, 問題
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