By Ujiki.oO
On 2023-08-13
In BMP, Google Drive, Google Workspace, Googleドライブ, Japanese reading aloud, OCR, Optical character recognition, PDF, Potrace, Reading, Recitation, Scanned Documents, Super Compression, Technology(Toolkit)Without An(Any)Interesting(Important)Name, Twain, Windows11, コマンドプロンプトに送る, スキャンした書類, トウェイン, 光学文字認識, 日本語音読, 朗読, 注目記事, 超圧縮
In the author’s example, immediately after scanning an A4 size document, it is 26.2MB (BMP), but in this article, I will explain how to reduce it to 109KB (PDF) with a simple click operation. The keyword is “Transforming bitmaps into vector graphics”.
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On 2023-07-21
In 15歳, 72時間以内, After pill, Emergency Contraception, Pregnancy, アフターピル, コロナ禍, コンドーム, 低用量ピル, 卵子の寿命, 卵子着床, 妊娠, 妊娠検査薬, 子宮内避妊器具, 排卵遅延化, 精子の寿命, 緊急避妊薬
Previous article: The Japanese government has been slow to make progress even after three years have passed since the number of teenage pregnancy consultations increased due to the corona crisis. Vested interests gold mortal can’t move forward. Is that okay?
On 2023-06-29
In Acquire Image, API, Application Programming Interface, BROTHER INDUSTRIES, LTD., DCP-J925N, Google Drive, Google Workspace, Googleドライブ, Import Twain, PhotoFiltre, Photofiltre 6.5.3, Technology(Toolkit)Without An(Any)Interesting(Important)Name, Twain, Twain からの取り込み, Windows11, トウェイン, ブラザー工業株式会社, プリンターとスキャナー, 画像の取り込み
One of the mysterious Windows 11? Disappearing Printers and Twains That Don’t Work! Let’s use Twain! Let’s use Photofiltre 6.5.3!
On 2023-06-22
In BACKUP DB, bash, Bugfix Version, CORE server, cygwin, GMO DigiRock, Inc., GMOデジロック株式会社, Linux, MariaDB, MSバッチファイル, MySQL,, 6.5, phpMyAdmin, WordPress, XAMPP, コアサーバー, データベースのバックアップ, バグフィックス版, 公開スクリプト
Bug fix version, database backup 6.5 is released.
On 2023-06-10
In DeskTop, Flickr,, John’s Background Switcher, random, Randomly, wallpaper, Windows11, デスクトップ, フリッカー, ランダム, 壁紙, 注目記事, 無作為に
If you have a free Flickr account, why not make it look better with our complete wallpaper changing software for Windows and Mac? I’ve been using Windows for years!
On 2023-06-06
In A waste of time, doesn't work, immature, incomplete, Not compatible, PopBox, SEO, smartphone, スマートフォン, 不完全, 時間の無駄, 未対応, 未熟, 機能しない
Even if you are introduced to a famous search engine, it will not work if you visit with a smartphone! Embed a function in the article for such an imperfect blog system?
On 2023-05-28
In Flickr,, function, JavaScript, new Array(), PopBox, PushIMgFromFlickr, random, Randomly, フリッカー, ランダム, 注目記事, 無作為に, 配列変数, 関数
Past article: As an application of “Random mechanism using original randomization function and localStorage”, it is a topic of array variables and dedicated functions that randomly place Flickr () flicker + PopBox in the article.
On 2023-05-23
In function, GetUrlAtThat2023(), JavaScript, location, location.hash, location.hostname, location.pathname, location.protocol,, Mirroring, new Array(), Past Articles, ミラーリング, 過去記事
For example, if you have achieved complete mirroring of content on multiple blog systems operated by different operating companies, would you like to jump to the same operating company’s blog system when introducing links to past articles in each content? I will leave a note of the definitions and functions of the array variables to realize it, and the notes on the compression tool.
On 2023-05-16
In bash, cygwin, MariaDB, MS Batch File, MySQL,, phpMyAdmin, Published Script, sed, SED4COMMENT2.tbl, WordPress, XAMPP
Shared use of SQL files that continues to evolve, its latest SED external script is released. Now all cloned WordPress will start operating in different language types. Is this an evolution?
On 2023-05-09
In .IGNOREPATH, bash,, z My Special Data, 高速化
A memo for using, a bash script aimed at speeding up WordPress display.
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By Ujiki.oO
On 2023-05-16
In bash, cygwin, MariaDB, MS Batch File, MySQL,, phpMyAdmin, Published Script, sed, SED4COMMENT2.tbl, WordPress, XAMPP
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